Saturday, November 29, 2008

Iceland, the new menace on Europe (after Turkey)

Valery (Giscard d’Estaing), help! Iceland now seems to want to join the European Union. It will be obvious to everyone that it is a new device to confuse matters about the already complicated matter of Europe’s borders with a clear aim: to deprive our dear Europe of her great qualities of rich, Christian continental fortress. Is Iceland in Europe? No need to have a PhD in Geography to see that it is not the case. The island is two thousands kilometres away from French coasts! And if Iceland becomes an EU member, what argument would remain to fend off an application by Canada? Careful! Danger zone!
Moreover, let’s be clear among ourselves, these people are destitute. They have become interested in the EU because they just lost everything in the financial casino where they thought they would become rich overnight. We have enough of our own problems without taking on board Iceland’s gigantic debt.
And, let’s say it calmly too, these people are not like us. They are the direct heirs of the barbaric Vikings who almost destroyed Europe with their constant invasions and who have in any case abundantly massacred the people, burnt down the churches and the manuscripts and hunted down the monks and priests. They speak a language which is only distantly related to its European ancestors and which uses a partly specific alphabet. This people have after all very little in common with our old Europe.
Moreover, if – may God spare us that – they were to be admitted to EU membership, they would reinforce there the Scandinavian lobby, joining forces with the Danes, the Swedes, the Finns and in some cases the Germans, all austere and narrow-minded Protestants who want to prevent us from doing what we want (or what our President wants) and Europe from being governed (by us)!
And Europe is already impossible to run. Is it really the right time to admit yet another member in the European Union?
I hope you are now convinced of the Icelandic peril. All real pro-Europeans – who are already running the famously respectful campaign against the Turkish imposture, will join the united front against the entry of Iceland in the European Union.
As a first proposal, let’s introduce a provision into the French constitution that would call for a referendum to approve any EU enlargement to a country located in the middle of an ocean, with no mention of any name in order to avoid any suspicious hints.
Finally, let’s remind everyone that we do not have anything against Icelanders themselves. They are a great people, from an old and most respectable civilisation. They must just understand how lucky they are to be offered an association status with the EU, in other words a vassal status. They just should not have lost everything at the casino, after all.

N.B.: any resemblance with the ravings of the French political class about Turkey could possibly stem from an analysis resting on the same ethnocentric and religious preconceived ideas.


Blogger anahidk said...

My dear, I'm afraid that here we part ways. I don't think the Vikings were barbarians--they brought law to England, for instance, some of which can still be seen here. They acted like all tribes, at least successful ones, and just as France herself did in parts of Africa and the Caribbean.

Moreover, if you ask a geographer, I think you will find that Scandinavia occupies much more of the continent than Catholic, Latin countries do. So, no outsiders they.

However, I do agree that the borders of Europe are becoming laughable. No one bothers about Eurovision, but it sets precedent, and in that media alliance are Israel and Turkey and Armenia. This is simply nonsense. It is surely time to think that a European Union is not an empty name, but should be constituted on plausible ideas of the boundaries of the continent.

The only reason I don't oppose the entry of Turkey into the EU, though I absolutely do not support it, is that most opposition is anti-Muslim, and there is far too much of that in the world these days.

8:50 PM  

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